Ormai sembra davvero essere questione di poco tempo e il
vecchio esame per il conseguimento della patente nautica andrà in soffitta per
essere sostituito con quello a quiz. La notizia è stata accolta con un favore generalizzato
e molti giornalisti della stampa specializzata hanno salutato il provvedimento
come una innovazione positiva.
Scusatemi, ma io non sono affatto convinto che si tratti di
un fatto positivo. Anzi.
La nuova patente a quiz infatti, se è vero che prevede il
superamento di argomenti anacronistici, come la navigazione astronomica (posto
che sia davvero inutile avere una cultura generale anche su quel fronte), è
anche vero che manda in pensione il colloquio orale con tutta la parte di
carteggio che era prevista. Insomma, nessun candidato a diventare comandate
dovrà dimostrare di sapere pianificare una rotta con tutti i relativi problemi.
Certo, visto dalla parte di chi deve sostenere l’esame è un gran vantaggio.
Tanto oggi ci sono i gps e i cartografici. Ma davvero pensiamo che sia
necessario impoverire le conoscenze e le competenze? Davvero si pensa che 5
domande sul carteggio poste sotto forma di quiz possano provare le reali
conoscenze di una persona che dal momento in cui avrà superato l’esame sarà abilitato
al comando di imbarcazioni fino a 25 metri senza alcun limite di navigazione?
Da più parti si afferma che l’esame era costellato di
trappole e che le domane spesso vertevano su argomenti desueti. Verissimo. Ma
come spesso accade in Italia, invece di cambiare ciò che non funziona, che è
vecchio o inutile, si getta il bambino insieme con l’acqua sporca.
Fortunatamente non siamo l’Inghilterra. Fortunatamente da
tanti punti di vista tranne che da quello nautico. I sudditi della regina vanno
in mare quando ne sono capaci. Non gli viene chiesta una patente ma la
coscienza di saper navigare. La vela fa parte della storia e della cultura di
un popolo che non ha la fortuna di avere un clima e un mare meraviglioso come
il nostro, ma che nutre verso di esso un rispetto infinito. In Italia le cose
non stanno così. Anzi, spesso, se si può la patente la si compra. Fregandosene
delle reali competenze che si hanno. Tanto c’è il cartografico. Si mette in
moto, si gira il volante e si va…
Skippers |
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Si veleggia.... |
License quiz .Is
it a real step forward?
Now really seems to be a matter of a short time, old exam to obtain a driving license will go into the attic to be replaced with a quiz. The news was greeted with general favor, and many specialized journalist consider the decision as a positive innovation.
Excuse me, but I'm not at all convinced that this is a good thing. Indeed. New license quiz in fact, it is true that involves passing anachronistic subject, such as celestial navigation ( assuming that it is really useless to have a general knowledge on that front) , it is also true that it cancel the oral interview with all nautical maps that were expected .shortly, none of the candidates to become commander must demonstrate to know to plan a route with all the related problems. Of course ,it is a great advantage for all candidates that feel to be safe because of the GPS and the maps. Telling the true I think that it is not right to impoverish the knowledge and skills. More, 5 questions posed on the chart in the form of quizzes can’t try the real knowledge of a person and it is not possible that after the exam He will be enabled to command vessels up to 25 meters without any limit of navigation .
Many have said that the exam was full of traps and that the question often concerned obsolete subjects . It is very true . But as often happens in Italy , changing is not for what does not work, what is old or even useless,.
Fortunately we are not in England. Fortunately based on many points of view except from the nautical . The subjects of the Queen go overboard when they are capable . They are not asked for a license but the consciousness of knowing how to navigate. The sail is part of people history and culture they are not lucky enough to have an atmosphere and a wonderful sea like ours, but they respect it infinitely . In Italy, things are not so . Indeed, often , if you can, you can pay for a driver's license without taking care of real skills, again due to the fact that there is the chart . Turn on the engine, turn the steering wheel and away you go ...
Now really seems to be a matter of a short time, old exam to obtain a driving license will go into the attic to be replaced with a quiz. The news was greeted with general favor, and many specialized journalist consider the decision as a positive innovation.
Excuse me, but I'm not at all convinced that this is a good thing. Indeed. New license quiz in fact, it is true that involves passing anachronistic subject, such as celestial navigation ( assuming that it is really useless to have a general knowledge on that front) , it is also true that it cancel the oral interview with all nautical maps that were expected .shortly, none of the candidates to become commander must demonstrate to know to plan a route with all the related problems. Of course ,it is a great advantage for all candidates that feel to be safe because of the GPS and the maps. Telling the true I think that it is not right to impoverish the knowledge and skills. More, 5 questions posed on the chart in the form of quizzes can’t try the real knowledge of a person and it is not possible that after the exam He will be enabled to command vessels up to 25 meters without any limit of navigation .
Many have said that the exam was full of traps and that the question often concerned obsolete subjects . It is very true . But as often happens in Italy , changing is not for what does not work, what is old or even useless,.
Fortunately we are not in England. Fortunately based on many points of view except from the nautical . The subjects of the Queen go overboard when they are capable . They are not asked for a license but the consciousness of knowing how to navigate. The sail is part of people history and culture they are not lucky enough to have an atmosphere and a wonderful sea like ours, but they respect it infinitely . In Italy, things are not so . Indeed, often , if you can, you can pay for a driver's license without taking care of real skills, again due to the fact that there is the chart . Turn on the engine, turn the steering wheel and away you go ...
Si ringrazia Silvana Luongo per la traduzione.